The Martyr Wall

Bryson Reformina

The Martyr Wall: a grown over collapsible wall that, when alerted by wildlife, becomes erect and uses watercress to protect an entire plot by self-sacrifice. This wall not only promotes the growth of watercress but the other flora as well.

The inspiration of this project was to integrate the protection of endemic plants from invasive species with the help of invasive species, which in this case is watercress. The basic technology behind the wall is that it is a wall that bends at the middle which is moved by a spool controlled lever that props up the wall and acts as defense for other plants. This project intentionally implicates the use of invasive species in a way that supports other plants instead of hindering them. This wall depends on the interaction of wildlife, and is only activated when the danger of wildlife is detected. This project’s goal is to not only protect our native flora, but to discover appreciation towards things that do not always have a positive connotation.